Bringing Paintball and Airsoft Communities in South Africa together!

Venue Setup/Regulations

SA Regulation Competition Field Sizes:

Regulation 3-man size:
Playing Field 27x36m
Outside boundary 33x42m

Regulation 5-man field size:
Playing Fields 36x45m
Outside boundary 42x51m

For more information about field regulations that will affect your field contact SANPA to assist.

More information regarding legal requirements for fields that pertain to both government regulation as well as paintball specific will be listed here as it becomes available to current and new field owners.

  1. Risk Assessment
  2. Health and Safety Requirements
  3. Field/Netting Requirements
  4. Documentation

Fields that adhere to the minimum requirements as prescribed by government legislation and SANPA will be allowed to become SANPA accredited venues.

Compressors for Fields

Contact Steve at Coltri for great pricing and service

Coltri logo silver

Two-Way Radios

Zartek logo hres

SANPA can assist fields in acquiring Zartek two-way radios for their field and players.

Field Netting

We suggest a minimum 40% netting for the bottom 3m of the field and 20% netting for the top 3m of the field barrier netting around the playing field.

International regulation suggests a 6m internal boundary before the play area, or alternatively tests must be done on the nets before using it.

SANPA has tested various netting according to the ASTM standards.

SANPA do however suggest a inside boundary of at least 2-3m and that netting be tested on a monthly basis for safety.



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