The SARPL have released their 2013 dates for Gauteng and are asking players to comment on the dates before setting it in stone and finalizing with the various venues.
SANPA is inviting all clubs, fields, shops and leagues that would like to become part of SANPA to contact us to see how we can assist each other in growing the sport we love. For more information e-mail If you have any upcoming events, or any specials running you […]
We are inviting all paintball players to let us know who you would like to be a regional representative for your province. We are looking for people in the various provinces that are actively involved in paintball, but who will be willing to assist in promoting the sport and communicating […]
SANPA (South African National Paintball Association) was launched yesterday 15 July 2012 at Paintball City at the SARPL (South African Regional Paintball League) AGM where 48 members/players attended. It was with great excitement that Paul Grobler announced the launch of SANPA. SANPA Presentation If your club, field, league or even team/players or […]